
ARTS AND CRAFT with PTM 7-10-23 Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder Making it a beautiful reality were the Primary students of St. Thomas Eng. Med. Medium where the PTM came alongside with the Art Exhibition. At STEMS, students grow up with the understanding of creativity, imagination and the ways to nurture their productivity through all the activities on a daily basis. The idea is not only to encourage children to use their imagination but also to help them understand that beauty can be showcased without using a ton of money. This became even more important when it came to Art and Craft from best out of waste dolls to scenes of Kashmir and villages, from chairs and sofa sets to caravans sailing, from candle decoration. to diyas painted, brought out the best creativity of the youngsters. The exhibition begun with the inauguration prayer by Arthur Sir and the ribbon cutting by mam principals, the diyas were lit by Ma`am Principal. Sir Arthur Co-ordinator senior and primary section and the senior teachers. After which the exhibition was open for all, teachers, parents and students to witness and appreciate. It was indeed a wonderful experience seeing the efforts of our kids displayed. The parents came in to witness their as well as other students Craft work. Our budding artists presented many creative ideas which left all dumbstruck and full of praise for the talent on display. With the blessings of the Almighty, guidance of Ma`am Principal, support of the Primary Co-ordinator, best wishes of all the teachers, ideas of art teachers and creativity of the students, this event was made a great success. Report by - Mrs. Maya John